I’m New

(This is not a real church, but an example of what your church’s website could look like.)

If this is your first time worshiping at Fictional Church, we have two places to worship Sunday mornings: A Traditional Service in the sanctuary and a Contemporary Service called The Real Deal. Our Traditional service starts at 9 am and our Contemporary Service begins at 11:00am and are each one hour long.

Here’s what to expect from each service:

Traditional Service:

traditional Join us at 9 am!
You’ll find the traditional service in the main sanctuary. You can enter through the main doors, or find it by following the signs if you enter through another door. Before the service, there is coffee in front of the sanctuary if you’d like to have some and mingle, but we ask that you don’t take food or drink into the main sanctuary.

The service will start with a welcome from the lay worship leader promptly at 9 am. Expect good music from our organist and our experienced choir, as well as a Bible based message from our Senior Pastor, Rev. Preacher Guy.

If this is your first time as our guest, we don’t expect a gift from you, but would be thrilled to have you fill out pew pad so that we can follow up with you!

The Real Deal Contemporary Service:

Our Contemporary Worship gathering happens in the Fellowship Hall. When you come into the church, head to the welcome center in the center of the church and someone will point the way, or follow the signs and you should find the service without any problems.

contemporary One of the first things that you’ll see when you arrive is the Connection Table. Here you can grab a bulletin, a computer generated name tag, and some information about the church, if you want it. A greeter will usually be on hand to give you a bulletin and warmly welcome you to our service.

There’s a coffee fellowship where people chat and have snacks before the service. Feel free to grab some coffee, juice or a snack; it’s ok to take it to your seat, too. It’s also fine by us if you want to grab a snack during the service.

The Real Deal Service will start at 11 am with some modern praise and worship songs by our praise team, followed by announcements about the life of the church, a time to greet each other, and a life application focused message from Senior Pastor, Rev. Preacher Guy.

If this is your first time as our guest, we don’t expect a gift from you, but would be thrilled to have you fill out and return the connection card found in your bulletin so that we can follow up with you!

Answers to some questions you might have:

What to wear?

At the contemporary service, dress is quite casual. We want you to feel comfortable worshiping, so feel free to dress comfortably. At the traditional service, the dress is more formal. Most men wear slacks and a nice shirt; suits are uncommon.

What do I do with my kids?

If you have a child from 0-2, please feel free to drop your child off at the nursery when you arrive. You’ll receive a pager so that we can reach you during the service if your child needs you. Please check out the nursery page for more information. If you have a child from 3-7, they are welcome to stay in the service (children’s bulletins and crayons are provided near where you enter either service) or to leave for kid’s church after the children’s sermon. Check out the Kid’s Worship page for more information.

Do I need anything for the service?

You don’t need anything other than a pen to take notes with, if you like. Bibles are provided in the sanctuary and relevant verses are displayed on the projector for the contemporary service.